Quality acceptance

  • When collecting galvanized articles the Client performs quality acceptance on the premises of Jamalex galvanizing plant or in an agreed place.
  • If quality acceptance is not possible on the premises, The Client shall perform it within 2 days since collecting goods.
  • Failing to report any defects in the period specified above means that the Client has accepted the goods as flawless.
  • If there are any flaws of the coating, Jamalex shall with maximum 5 working days inspect the defective goods and arrange with the Client further action plan.
  • If any hidden flaws of the zinc coating are discovered while handling the elements further, the Client is obliged to enable the inspcetion of the artices without delay.
  • If the flaws are the result of Jamalex performance, corrective actions will be performed within 14 working days or the agreed deadline.
  • Any flaws or claims shall be filed by the Client in writing, immediately after noticing them or else he will lose the guarantee rights.

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