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Jamalex Sp. z o.o. implemented the quality management system and on 1 July 2014 we were awarded the Certificate of compliance with ISO 9001:2008 norms in terms of services offered.
In 2017, as a result of the recertification, Jamalex was awarded the ISO 9001: 2008 quality certification for the next three years in the area of ​​hot dip galvanizing and painting
In 2018, Jamalex obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate, according to the new edition.
In 2020, Jamalex obtained an extension of the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate, from a new certification body: BUREAU VERITAS Polska
In 2023, Jamalex obtained an extension of the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate, from a new certification body: BUREAU VERITAS Polska
Jamalex is also a member of the Polish Association of Galvanizing, together with over 50 other galvanizing plants in Poland.

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